Our Voices: A Blog by Links, Callers and Volunteers

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Friday, May 22, 2009

MAY 17, 2009

Rochelle L. Shoretz

Good afternoon and, on behalf of the Board of Directors of Sharsheret, thank you for being here. I am Rochie Shoretz, Founder of Sharsheret and President of the Board. In these challenging economic times, we so appreciate your continued support of Sharsheret – a support that is even more vital this year for women and families facing costly medical challenges of their own.

Not many people can claim that they enjoy Board meetings of any kind. But over the years, I have had the privilege of working with an incredible group of men and women who have helped shape Sharsheret’s growth in a way that is truly inspiring. This past year, our Board of Directors undertook an extensive strategic planning process to map out the expansion of our organization to address the needs of Jewish women living with ovarian cancer, and we look forward to sharing the results of that effort with you all in the years ahead. Please join me in thanking my fellow Board members for their tireless service and their selfless dedication to Sharsheret: Sherry Cohen, Keith Mendelson, Amy Mines Tadelis, Tani Mirsky, Dana Norris, Jacob Plotsker, Nikki Sausen, Ariel Schochet, Naomi Spira, and Lauryn Weiser. None of our grand ideas as a Board could be implemented without the Director of Operations at Sharsheret, Elana Silber, who keeps us on track and moving forward, and always with a smile – no matter how great the task. And anyone who has met our staff and our interns – Shera Dubitsky, Ellen Kleinhaus, Rebecca Schwartz, Michael Lowy, and Malke Grunberger – knows how truly blessed we are at Sharsheret. Please join us in thanking Elana and the staff of Sharsheret for today’s beautiful event and for all of Sharsheret’s meaningful programs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rochelle Hirsch's Remarks

Rochelle Hirsch
My Journey
Guest of Honor
Sharsheret Benefit Luncheon 2009

It was Tuesday, May 28th 2002
For a routine mammogram I was due
I will never forget that look of shock and surprise
As my doctor couldn’t believe what was before her eyes

Breast cancer was not what I had in mind
Colon cancer was more my family kind
How could this happen to a woman like me
Breast cancer is non discriminatory- it knows no boundary

I looked at my husband with tears in my eyes
Begging him to make it go away, as I started to cry
But there was nothing that anyone could do
I began the journey my entire family was forced to go through

Naava Parker's Remarks

Naava Parker
Guest of Honor
Sharsheret Benefit Luncheon 2009

No one asks for breast cancer, I certainly didn’t. I even used to joke that had anyone asked me I would have responded,
“No thank you, I’ll pass.” No one ever asked.

We don’t know what life has in store for us from one second to the next. We have little control over anything. The only thing we do have control over is how we deal with what gets thrown at us. When I found out that I had cancer I had to make a conscious decision on how I wanted to handle it.

If I got better, did I want to waste a year of my life being sad and angry, or find what made me grateful be happy and take the lessons that I learned to better my life.

Suffy Rudman's Remarks

Suffy Rudman
Lisa Altman Volunteer Tribute Award
Sharsheret Benefit Luncheon 2009

Every person has a unique way of expressing their emotion. Some people laugh, some people cry, and some do nothing at all. I sing. It is the way I express my feeling, spirit and character. Music has always had the power to touch my soul, and singing has always been my most expressive tool.
A few years ago I learned that my dear friend was battling breast cancer. Wanting to help her in any way I was able, I started attending the Sharsheret breakfasts. Year after year, I was truly inspired by the strength of the women involved in Sharsheret. Not only were the survivors courageous and exceptional people, but the leaders and volunteers of the organization were just as impressive. The dedication and the manner in which their services were being presented, was truly remarkable. I remember one year sitting at one of these tables thinking to myself- how can I contribute to all of this? The only inspiration that I knew how to provide was with my music, my singing.