Our Voices: A Blog by Links, Callers and Volunteers

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Want a slot in the ING New York City Marathon this November?

Have you ever dreamed of running the ING New York City Marathon? Now your dream can come true! Team Sharsheret has 5 slots for the ING New York City Marathon on November 7, 2010!
  • Provide a coveted slot in the ING New York City Marathon
  • Present a training schedule motivating you to complete the 26.2 mile course
  • Offer training tips, a pre-event kit and a post-event celebration
  • Dress you in an official Team Sharsheret shirt
  • Provide you with a personalized fundraising page and support with fundraising initiatives
  • Surround you with athletes who will motivate and inspire you to reach the finish line in support of the young Jewish women and families facing breast cancer served by Sharsheret 
  • Agree to raise a minimum of $5,000 for Team Sharsheret to support our national programs and spread the word about the important work that we do nationwide
  • Register for the ING New York City Marathon on our site
  • Notify friends and family of your participation in the ING New York City Marathon
Have the competitive experience of a lifetime!

For more information about joining Team Sharsheret this year, please e-mail athletes@sharsheret.org with your name, phone number, and a brief description of yourself and why you want to join Team Sharsheret. The deadline to apply for a slot is June 11, 2010.

See you at the finish line!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sleepless Nights and Cheesecake - Happy Shavuot!

By: Shera Dubitsky, Clinical Supervisor

When most people think about the holiday of Shavuot, I imagine that the first association is with the receiving of the Torah. It is tradition to stay up all night learning and studying. Another coveted tradition is eating dairy throughout the duration of this holiday. So, it all comes down to sleepless nights and cheesecake. Sound familiar? I suppose that when you are hit with a diagnosis of cancer, there are probably many sleepless nights and binging on cakes (well, maybe not while undergoing chemo).

There are a plethora of articles out there about healthy lifestyles and nutrition when it comes to living with cancer. Judaism also purports leading a healthy, balanced life. How do we then make sense of celebrating this holiday via a sleepless night and cheesecake? What are the takeaways?
  • Perhaps it’s okay to stay up every once in a while or have a decadent treat on occasion, without beating yourself up about it. 
  • On the topic of healthy lifestyles and nutrition, it is important to take care of yourselves. I encourage all of you to download and read the transcript from Sharsheret’s Symposium, "Surviving Young: Life after Breast Cancer", for tips on diet, exercise, and healthy living.  
  • Sometimes you may find yourselves pushing beyond your limits; however, you may learn things about your strength and resolve that until now have remained hidden.  
I wish you a very happy holiday and a Chag Sameach,


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Text For Your Next Mammogram

Join Sharsheret and Ping Mobile as we launch the “Text For Your Next”SM mobile alert campaign to promote breast health awareness. Text the word “Sharsheret” and we’ll send you a reminder to schedule your annual mammogram, ultrasound, or other breast cancer screening in six months. The campaign will be launched live at our Annual Benefit, this Sunday, May 16, 2010, at the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe, in Teaneck, New Jersey.

But there’s no need to wait until Sunday. Start texting today! To participate in the “Text For Your Next”SM mobile campaign and to receive your personalized screening reminder, text the word “Sharsheret”, hit the space key, and type your first and last name (without a space between the names) to 74642.

Friday, May 7, 2010

From One of Our Mothers to Yours

In honor of Mother’s Day, we’d like to share a meaningful e-mail we received from the mother of one of our Callers. Wishing all of our readers a very happy Mother’s Day!

“You so graciously sent a package of toys for my grandchildren, information packets, a magnificent pillow and other materials to my daughter. I literally cried when she told me about the toy package; the pillow arrived as she was in surgery. I had known about Sharsheret for a number of years, but I had no idea of the scope of the organization. I am so very grateful to you and the work that the dedicated volunteers and staff perform. I, too, had breast cancer and I understand the emotional turmoil this disease causes. My daughter still has a way to go in her treatment, but knowing that you are behind young women and able to provide practical and emotional support is reassuring. Thank you.”
- Mother of a Sharsheret Caller

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

One Survivor Among Scientists

By: Rochelle Shoretz, Executive Director

I recently returned from a five day conference hosted by the American Association of Cancer Research, in which I participated as a member of the Survivor-Scientist Program. It was an opportunity for those scientists at the heart of cancer research to meet and speak with cancer survivors. And it was an incredible opportunity for us – survivors of all forms of cancer - to meet those taking steps towards a cure. More than anything, I left the conference hopeful – not because of any promising discovery or treatment – but because of the sheer number of men and women dedicated to the science of cancer. Like you, I’ve read about clinical trials in the newspaper, and even participated in a few coordinated by various hospitals and medical institutions in whose waiting rooms I’ve spent too many hours. But I didn’t quite realize the depth of research being done on the genetic level – an entire “basement” of research in which scientists are attempting to map the sequencing of our genome and generate tailored cancer treatments on the basis of those unique maps. The plenary sessions were packed with thousands of research scientists – in rooms as large as a football field and, in some cases, with graphs and slides as difficult for me to follow as a football game! It was one of the few experiences of my life in which I felt grateful to be overwhelmed.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Join Us In Jerusalem!

By: Elana Silber, Director of Operations

What a monumental day for Sharsheret! Sitting in the front row at an historic Press Conference at Susan G. Komen for the Cure in Washington, DC last Wednesday, Rochelle Shoretz and I were thrilled to hear Nancy Brinker, the Founder of Komen, name Sharsheret as a partner in the first ever Israel Race for the Cure to be held in Jerusalem. In the months ahead, Sharsheret will work closely with Komen and share with you details about the October Race and related events, which will include a week of programming on enhancing advocacy, awareness, screening and treatment of breast cancer in Israel and worldwide. It was most inspiring to hear from the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barakat, as he described how the Israel Race will “open the gates of Jerusalem to all those who want to see a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime.” This October, thousands of young Jewish women and families will come together in Jerusalem for a common cause. Please join us as we cross the finish line together and take one step closer to the cure.