Our Voices: A Blog by Links, Callers and Volunteers

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tell Us Why You’re Thankful

This Thanksgiving Sharsheret is thankful for YOU - our incredible volunteers and supporters and the inspiring women, families, and communities we are privileged to serve.

Help us spread the spirit of gratitude this week. Post your message of thanks by adding your comments below or on our Facebook page and inspire women and families facing breast and ovarian cancer nationwide. We can't wait to hear from you!

Best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from Sharsheret's Staff and Board of Directors.


  1. Not having cancer, but being BRCA positive, I always felt outside of the cancer community. I feel very grateful for Sharsheret because I can connect to the Jewish community and other women at high risk. Finding Sharsheret was the first time in my life that I truly felt like I belonged.

  2. I cannot begin to express my appreciation for your wonderful organization. I had chosen not to confide in anyone besides my husband and at times I felt like the burden was just too much. You were a tremendous help.

  3. I have to thank Sharsheret for your support. I learned so much from speaking with my Link. She gave me the power to act and not to react. She empowered me.

  4. I am thankful for the knowledge and ability (both educationally and financially) to take on BRCA2 proactively. i am thankful to feel strong enough to help others who find themselves in the same position. I am thankful for those who did that for me.

  5. I am thankful for the incredible organization that my awesome friend Rochie Shoretz and her crew have built. I am thankful to Hashem for bringing Rochie and Sharsheret into my life and allowing me to help others. It is a privilege and honor to be associated with Sharsheret.

  6. I am so thankful to be here alive and well with my family. Thanks to the support of Sharsheret and the resources they make available, I endured one of the worst years of my life more easily and came out better for my experience.

  7. I am so thankful that I wake up every morning feeling healthy and strong and see my wonderful husbands' face (and my cockapoos' too :) There are no words for my thanks that my husband and both daughters, all high risk for brca2 are negative. I am grateful to 'take it for the team.'

    I am so thankful that my oc surgery is 18 mos. behind and I am almost one year chemo anniversary. I am bless to have amazing and supportive family and friends. I am grateful for every minute I spend with them.

    I am so thankful that now when I go to the University of Pennsylvania hospital on a regular basis, it isn't for a five hour chemo drip, but to volunteer as a 'cuddler' in the intensive care neonatal nursery, rocking preemies whose family cannot always be there.

    I am so grateful to becoming a grandmother in the spring!

    Good health to all !

  8. I am so thankful for my friends and family who are supporting me thru my recent diagnosis of breast cancer. And I am thankful for Sharsheret's amazing programs and support. It has only been 3 weeks since my diagnosis, and I've already received multiple packages and emails from Sharsheret.
