Our Voices: A Blog by Links, Callers and Volunteers

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Watch Sharsheret Founder and Executive Director Rochelle Shoretz in an Exclusive TV Interview Featured on Fox 5 News NY

Eight years ago, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time, there was no organization dedicated to supporting young Jewish women facing breast cancer. I was 28 years old, raising two young children, and more than anything, I felt alone.

I have often said that Sharsheret’s success is not the product of one woman’s efforts – that there are thousands of angels who are sitting on my shoulders as Sharsheret grows at a remarkable pace. But these past few months, I have had the privilege of sitting on Sharsheret’s shoulders as I face breast cancer a second time. After my mastectomy in February, I received a Pillow of Support from Sharsheret to elevate my arm, just as so many of you have. Sharsheret’s Link Program has connected me with another woman who opted for the same reconstructive surgery that I was considering. And as I struggle with the concerns of a woman living with Stage IV breast cancer, I have had the support of Sharsheret’s Embrace Program, designed to address the needs of those living with advanced breast cancer. The Sharsheret, the chain, of support that I began eight years ago has come full circle. I began as a link in that chain and now use the strength of other links for my own support.

I am no longer alone in my journey. I have a Sharsheret family.


  1. This is devastating news, and a reminder to thank G-d for every single day. My prayers are with you, Rochelle.

  2. What an inspiration you are! I am so proud to know you, and to have been able to share such a wonderful week with you in the Montana wilderness. You are doing such amazing things in the world, and it will be a better place because of you. Thank you for giving back to everyone who will come after you. -Scout

  3. Rochelle,

    I am sorry to learn of your diagnosis. I am also a young mother with stage 4, and have been living with cancer for 2 1/2 years (and going strong!).

    I blog at:

    I turned to Sharsheret after my initial diagnosis, and found wonderful support -- thank you!

    I have since found support closer to my home, in Jerusalem, but I will forever be grateful for that initial support. I was desperately searching for women who were living with cancer long term and Sharsheret put me in touch with a woman who, at that time, had been living with cancer for almost ten years (and going strong) -- it was a lifeline for me, when I needed it most.

    Tizki L'Mitzvot!! and Refuah Shlayma!!
